Timber Wolf

Acrylic on 14'' antique saw blade

Acrylic on 14'' antique saw blade

Why a wolf? 

Honestly, I can't tell you.

For those of you who know me well, you're first thought is probably: "she doesn't paint animals"

And you'd be right. I don't and I'm not looking to gain any animal commissions or build my business by painting just anything. I thrive off portraits and it's what I love most. 

So I guess this painting was simply because I was allowing myself to be free in my studio. To paint something I saw that I liked. It inspired me. Period. It took me only a few hours to prepare the antique saw blade and to finish the painting. I love it. And what it means to me is maybe prophetic... 

I'm sharing this because I'm letting you see what I do and what goes on in my brain and art studio. It's me being real and honest. I have no rules, or guide lines- I just know what I love most and what I do best. I can't do everything, so I do what makes me come alive.