First thing's first, what is HAS?
Huntsville Art Society is an amazing group that I've recently been working closely with in pursuit of gaining a larger presence for arts and culture in the town. Their location (Signal North Gallery) is in the west end of Huntsville in the old train station (26 Station Rd, Huntsville). I was recently part of a show at the Signal North Gallery around Christmas and I'm looking forward to another upcoming show that I have been asked to be a part of!
That's where we get to The Art Sampler! The upcoming show at the Signal North Gallery will be featuring a number of local artists who are also going to be instructing a variety of workshops in what we're calling The Art Sampler! Yes, that's right, I'm one of those instructors! I will be teaching a Portrait Basics workshop on March 16, 2016. Anyone is invited to participate by registering at I hope to see you there!