Recently Timber and Rain have been coordinating their 2 hour naps, so I’ve had some alone time! Bliss. Wait, what do I do? Do I nap? Clean, cook, bake? Do I just sit on the couch in peace? Read a book? (an actual paper book!) Well, one big thing I decided to do was PAINT! Get out those brushes, water, spray bottle, messy acrylic paint jars and pallet knife. I bought a big 36 x 48’’ canvas and called up a photographer friend for a photo and voila! Two weeks later there is a big painting of a majestic, buffalo trio on my drafting table. I really didn’t think I’d be able to paint for a long time having littles at home. But despite my excuses, I did it. I accomplished another work of art for someone to fall in love with and take home.
36 x 48’’ acrylic painting on mulberry paper covered canvas